hi Andrew,
The kafka broker is hosted on a single node and this particular topic has
just 1 partition. The consume kafka processor is scheduled to run only on
primary node with 1 concurrent processor. Everything works well with about
50 consumers consuming from 50 topics of the same nature. When we start
consuming from Over 100-200 consumer all these errors come. Because of the
back pressure alot of consumers have to wait so to get around that i set
each of the processor with additional property of timeout.ms set to 70000
but that did not work.  Quite strangly the consumer also sometimes starts
consuming those messages which it has already consumed in the past so i
think there is some thing also wrong with the commit configuration. There
is some other additional property that guess i need to setup on the broker
side which will make it scalable. But i'm unable to find it. Kindly let me
know if you have faced a similar situation.

On Thu, 14 Jun 2018, 11:10 p.m. Andrew Psaltis, <psaltis.and...@gmail.com>

> Hi Faisal,
> How many partitions are there for that TEST_KAFKA_TOPIC topic?
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 9:06 PM Faisal Durrani <te04.0...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Mark, The heap size is set to 4 gb and the time driven threas count is
>> set to 32 since its a 8 core  node( we have a cluster of 4 nifi nodes) .
>> Despite of all this we keep getting these errors :( .
>> On Thu, 14 Jun 2018, 10:02 p.m. Mark Payne, <marka...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Faisal,
>>> How much heap do you have allocated to your NiFi instance? In
>>> conf/bootstrap.conf
>>> the default value is 512 MB. If you haven't changed that, you could be
>>> just running out of
>>> heap.
>>> Also, have you changed the maximum number of threads available to your
>>> NiFi instance?
>>> In the top-right menu you can go to Controller Settings. The default for
>>> "Maximum Timer Driven
>>> Thread Count" is 10, but you'll definitely want to increase that for
>>> your use case.
>>> Also, how many cores does the VM/node that NiFi is running on have?
>>> Thanks
>>> -Mark
>>> On Jun 14, 2018, at 3:39 AM, Faisal Durrani <te04.0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> it appears that the error only comes when i increase the number of
>>> consumers. It seems to work fine with around 100 consumers but as soon as i
>>> bump it up at about 150 consumers all hell breaks lose with error such as
>>> below
>>> "Commit cannot be completed due to group rebalance"
>>> "Failed to retain connection due to No current assignment for partition
>>> Quite strangely the consumers start consuming messages that have already
>>> been read before. I cant wrap me head around why that is happening.
>>> Can someone point to the right direction here? I tried wild carding all
>>> the topics in one consumer but then it becomes very slow. All the consumers
>>> are running on the primary node with single concurrent tasks .
>>> On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 11:17 AM Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> So you have a unique instance of the ConsumeKafka proc for each topic
>>>> rhen, right?
>>>> Id increase the flow controller thread pool size by quite a bit as
>>>> well.
>>>> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018, 10:13 PM Faisal Durrani <te04.0...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Yes the kafka service is hosted on a single server while NIFI is on a
>>>>> cluster of 4 servers. I'm not entirely sure what wild carding of topics is
>>>>> but kafka is integrated with a Oracle golden gate and the topics are auto
>>>>> generated as soon as a new table is created in Oracle.
>>>>> "If you want that in a single instance you may need to alter the
>>>>> timeout associated with any single kafka consumer. "
>>>>> Can let me know which configuration is this?
>>>>> The consumer kafka processors are scheduled(Timer driven ) to run on
>>>>> all four nodes with 4 concurrent task so i assume there will be 16
>>>>> threads.( the Maximum timer driven thread count is set to 40)
>>>>> We tested the whole data flow with about 15-20 consumers and
>>>>> everything worked fine with out any errors. We started getting all these
>>>>> wired errors as soon as we bumped up our load test with 150+ consume kafka
>>>>> processors.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 10:59 AM Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> Is this a single instance with wildcarding of topics?  Please share
>>>>>> config details.
>>>>>> If you want that in a single instance you may need to alter the
>>>>>> timeout associated with any single kafka consumer.  The assignment will 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> per topic per partion.  How many he threads for that processor?
>>>>>> Finally, consider using ConsumeKafkaRecord and if you are using kaka
>>>>>> 1 or newer use the latest processor.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018, 9:21 PM Faisal Durrani <te04.0...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Does anyone know about this error from Kafka? I am using Nifi 1.5.0
>>>>>>> with ConsumerKafka processor.
>>>>>>> ConsumeKafka[id=34753ed3-9dd6-15ed-9c91-147026236eee] Failed to
>>>>>>> retain connection due to No current assignment for partition
>>>>>>> This is the first time we are testing Nifi to consume from over 200
>>>>>>> topics and its failing terribly so far. When this error goes the other 
>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>> comes up which is as below
>>>>>>> Was interrupted while trying to communicate with Kafka with lease
>>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.kafka.pubsub.ConsumerPool$
>>>>>>> SimpleConsumerLease@6cb8afba. Will roll back session and discard
>>>>>>> any partially received data.

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