
Unfortunately the Parquet API itself is tied to the Hadoop Filesystem
object which is why NiFi can't read and write Parquet directly to flow
files (i.e. they don't provide a way to read/write to/from Java input
and output streams).

The best you can do is trick the Hadoop API into using the local
file-system by creating a core-site.xml with the following:


That will make PutParquet or FetchParquet work with your local file-system.



On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 3:22 PM, scott <> wrote:
> Hello NiFi community,
> Is there a simple way to read CSV files and write them out as Parquet files
> without Hadoop? I run NiFi on Windows and don't have access to a Hadoop
> environment. I'm trying to write the output of my ETL in a compressed and
> still query-able format. Is there something I should be using instead of
> Parquet?
> Thanks for your time,
> Scott

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