looks right to me...Did you check flowFile attributes in provenance events
to make sure your attributes are populated? also check exact spelling and
casing. If still does not work, show us some screenshots of your flow and

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 4:04 PM Jones, Patrick L. <p...@mitre.org> wrote:

> Howdy,
>          I’m having trouble with the expression language.  I have 2
> attributes ElasticIP and ElasticPort.  I’m trying to use them in an Elastic
> URL.  If I hard code the values in it works find.  If I use the attributes
> I get a null pointer.  I have tried various variations on:
> http://${ElasticIP}:${ElasticPort}
> where ElasticIP = and ElasitPort is 9200
> Any thoughts on what the expression should be?
> Thank you

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