

I'm having an issue where the InvokeHTTP processor is apparently not
producing a flow file, and is also not throwing any errors.  This is
occurring for a particular site, but I have tested and found it to work for
other sites.


Some observations:


*       It was attempted to send all relationships to a PutFile processor,
but no files were generated

*       The 'Always Output Response' setting was set to "true", but still no
files were generated

*       The processor is not generating any provenance events
*       The bulletin level was set to DEBUG, but no bulletins were produced
*       Debugging was added to the conf/logback.xml file after the 'root'
entry, but no debugging information was seen in logs/nifi-app.log :


    <root level="INFO">

        <appender-ref ref="APP_FILE"/>



    <logger name="org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.InvokeHTTP"
level="DEBUG" additivity="true">

        <appender-ref ref="APP_FILE"/>




Does someone have a suggestion of how we may get further information from
this processor to debug what we are seeing?



Warm regards,



Jim Williams | Principal Database Developer

O: +1 713.341.7812 | C: +1 919.523.8767 | jwilli...@alertlogic.com |
<http://www.alertlogic.com/> alertlogic.com



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