
That block of text that shows up in the log could arguably said "WARN"
because the flow will continue to function as it did before.

However, the reason it is an error is that you really should follow its
advice and specifically follow the secure nifi configuration guidance.

By not following that you have a setup which is not secure.

We're doing all we can as a community to move to 'secure by default'
configurations which will take time.  It requires improved tooling out of
the box and we want the 'initial up and running experience' to be as smooth
as possible and similar to how it works now.

Anyway, hopefully that helps explain.


On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 10:11 AM Ryan H <ryan.howell.developm...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> We are currently in the process of upgrading from NiFi 1.5 to 1.8. After
> making the binary changes and restarting the cluster (a secure cluster
> setup), we are getting the following error:
> ERROR [main] org.apache.nifi.encrypt.StringEncryptor *  A blank sensitive
> properties key was provided Specify a unique key in nifi.properties for
> nifi.sensitive.props.key
> The Encrypt Config Tool in NiFi Toolkit can be used to migrate the flow to
> the new key.
> We are using all the same config that was in the 1.5 setup, including a
> blank key for nifi.sensitive.props.key which wasn't an issue before, but
> now it seems that it is. I didn't see this as a known issue in any of the
> migration guides or release notes. Can anyone provide any insight on this?
> Steps to remediate? Is the cause exactly what the error message says,
> having a blank value for this config prop?
> Cheers,
> Ryan H

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