
I haven't experimented with NFS in a long time but early results with NFS
were very uneven.  Performance in general was fine but stability as it
related to locking and other behaviors was less desirable. NiFi is no
longer as aggressive with file locks as it used to be so it is possible
things will go better nowadays.  We dont typically recommend it to large
scale users though.

Network Attached Storage should be fine but NFS in particular is what i'm
referring to.


On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 9:02 PM Rich T <> wrote:

> Has anyone successfully (or unsuccessfully) implemented a NiFi cluster
> where they NFS mounted the Flow/Prov/Content repo's from an NFS share to
> the NiFi nodes?
> I am investigating installing a NIFI Cluster on a group of servers with
> minimal local storage but high-performance CPUs.  I also have access to a
> High-Performance Flash NAS with high-bandwidth network interconnect, which
> I can use for the Flow/Provenance/Content repos.  My use case is a fairly
> high dataflow rate.  On paper, the NAS appears to be able to support the
> IO/latency necessary to support processing the flows.
> I would prefer to not be the first to do this, so if anyone has done this,
> I would greatly appreciate hearing of successes or issues.

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