Honestly, I have seen so many unique ways to mangle the currency format,
that I'm not even sure one can reliably parse one anymore.

But more importantly, isn't it the responsibility of a representation layer
to format and pretty print the value? Just have hard time seeing a
widespread need for that within NiFi itself.

This is just me sharing my experiences, not to discourage you from
contributing :)


On Tue, May 28, 2019, 7:59 AM Mike Thomsen <mikerthom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We have a controller service that does some basic cleanup on currency to
> take a string and turn it into a float or double. It's not intended to be
> anything like the Java Money API, it just purges everything except raw
> currency-related characters and formats the text into a float or double.
> Would that be a helpful addition to the standard record path? I would
> imagine something like this:
> toCurrencyString(parseRawCurrency("USD100000.0"), "US")
> = $100,00.00
> So the first function would just try to clean the string down to a bare
> double and the next one could use NumberFormats and Locales to give you a
> clean currency string.
> I looked into the Java Money API before proposing this, and it seems like
> it might be overkill and not even that helpful since converting currencies
> is largely useless without an accurate conversion rate data source.
> Thoughts?

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