
It is strongly recommended to have a single shared registry across the
environments if your policies allow.  This will give the best (by design)
experience of porting flows from one environment to another.  The remaining
challenges you see with this is that you will have to enter things like
sensitive values and variables in each environment at least on initial
import or whenever a new property dictates this.  To make this process
smoother and more powerful we're introducing parameters.  Also, you need
easy ways to pull in the right components specifically the versions that
were used in a versioned flow so you can be confident you'll run what was
tested.  For this storing extensions in the registry is key and sourcing
them from there as well in a running nifi. Huge improvements have been made
over the past couple months on this and it should be in the next releases
of registry and nifi which you can actively see the work going on now.


On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:27 PM Muazma Zahid <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the best practice and pros and cons of using a single registry
> shared across different environment (dev, test, prod) vs. separate registry
> for each environment?
> Also what is recommended security setup for Nifi Registry?
> Thanks,
> Muazma

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