Hi Wes.

Yes - but will the processor for connecting to say Oracle allow a runtime
variable ...... and how to pass that.

I have only ever built 1 single flow (basic)  ...... at what point does it
get hard to manage with many dataflows.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 11:50 AM Wesley C. Dias de Oliveira <
wcdolive...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, John,
> I would say you should build 20 dataflows because it will probably be more
> isolated and testable.
> About the password, maybe you can use the password as a variable, huh?
> Em ter, 1 de out de 2019 às 12:44, John Fak <johnfa...@gmail.com>
> escreveu:
>> If you want a flow to replicate to say 20 databases and perform data
>> action.
>> 1) Can this be 1 flow (source) connected to 20 targets - or should it be
>> separate flows (20).
>> 2) If you need a password to be dynamic as it may change - and be
>> differnt across 20 endpoints ..... can part of the flow execute a local OS
>> script to get the password to then use in the connection dynamically - or
>> can only be statistically defined.
>> This would be to send certain data to ceytain databases based on a  flag.
>> But to also allow passwords to change without breaking flows.
>> thx
> --
> Grato,
> Wesley C. Dias de Oliveira.
> Linux User nº 576838.

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