We are running 1.8 processors, and in the queue following our ListFile and
GetFile processors are trying to configure "Round robin" load balancing.

We have four nodes in our cluster. At present let's say the primary has a
UI URL of The three other nodes are similar, with
101, 102, and 103.

I have load balancing in nifi.properties configured to use port 6342, which
is open on my hosts.

Load balancing is failing. All the flowfiles stay on the primary node. The
log says this, once for each partner node we are trying to balance with:
Unable to connect to for load balancing
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host

In nifi.properties I have tried three ways of setting
nifi.cluster.load.balance.host, none of which resolved the problem:
1. I left it blank, and let it use its default which is
2. I attempted to use the host name, which for each is something like this:
abc-def-nic01i [02i, 03i, and 04i on those hosts] . My host names resolve
to IPs in local node /etc/host files that have 6342 open on them.
3. I tried using the IP value the name alias maps to, putting it directly
in this config parm

What is this error telling me, and how do I fix this so that I can employ
load balancing properly in my cluster configuration?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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