We have a production instance of NIFI ( built 05/01/2019 
02:15:30 UTC Tagged nifi-1.9.0-RC2) with an unusual symptom.

We know, that on a new instance of NIFI, the canvas comes up empty (result of a 
new flow.xml). Developers then start building process
groups and more from this start.

What we are experiencing (never seen this before) - is that on restart (via 
startup log file entries verified) of NIFI using AMBARI (or other means), NIFI 
is overwriting flow.xml which is about 70 GB, with new empty flow.xml? Each 
time we copy 
back the original Flow.xml and restart (single node cluster) - NIFI overwrites 
with an empty Flow.xml

Possibly related to toolkit and encryption of flow.xml.gz

Obviously we are down until we can solve this

Any ideas?


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