
Depending on how large the JSON content is, you could use
JoltTransformJSON to "hoist" the desired data to the top level. Given
this example JSON:

  "json": {
    "data": {
      "value": 3

The spec would be:

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "json": {
        "data": {
          "*": "&"

It "walks down the tree" until it gets to what you want (in this case
all fields under "data"), then outputs it at the top level.

For PutDatabaseRecord, there currently is no way to have it create the
target table if it doesn't exist, I wrote up NIFI-7862 [1] to cover
this improvement. For the "none of the fields map to columns" issue,
make sure the table and field/column names match the correct
upper/lower case. You may also need to set "Translate Field Names" to
true so it is less strict about the matching.



On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 4:44 PM Eric Sammons <> wrote:
> Hello,
> As the subject line states I am a new to NiFi.  For my first flow I am 
> attempting to replace my python code with a NiFi workflow that extracts data 
> from a JSON endpoint and then writes the JSON to a Redshift 
> database.schema.table.
> I have set up my DBCP for redshift and I have assigned that to my 
> PutDatabaseRecord processor; however, I am having (at least) two issues so 
> far.
> How do I tell InvokeHTTP (OR PutDatabaseRecord) to start reading the JSON 
> from a specific point, most json responses are in the form of 
> result.json()['data'] or result.json()['content']?
> What is the best approach to having the PutDatabaseRecord go to a "Create 
> Table" when the table and thus columns do not exist?  Is there a way to have 
> PutDatabaseRecord create the table if it doesn't exist?
> As a side note to #2, the PutDatabaseRecord is reporting "PutDatabaseRecord 
> failed to process standardflowfilerecord.... due to None of the fields in the 
> record map to the columns defined by the schema.table table."  On failures 
> the JSON contents are being written to a file so I am able to see evidence 
> that InvokeHTTP is working and that PutDatabaseRecord has at least looked at 
> / for the schema.table.
> Thank you!

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