
I am stuck with implementation where I need to load the entire JSON data
into database using NIFI. I was able to flatten json and load it but at the
same time I need to load the entire text of JSON into other field.

Here is the  approach I tried.
Load entire json into attribute using extractext processor
FLatten json
JOLT transformation on flatten json and add attribute of entire json.

Error: Unmarshal error

Here is the JSON that i am looking for . any suggestions pelase?

   "sensor": "http://canvas.wic.edu/";,
   "sendTime": "2020-10-02T17:58:51.747Z",
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         "id": "urn:uuid:0972f27d-4b87-4e8e-90a0-40f10968820f",
         "type": "NavigationEvent",
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         "action": "NavigatedTo",
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                  "http_method": "GET"
         "eventTime": "2020-10-02T17:58:50.700Z",
         "referrer": "https://canvas.wic.edu/courses/19278/modules";,
         "edApp": {
            "id": "http://canvas.wic.edu/";,
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               "id": "urn:instructure:canvas:course:131710000000019278",
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         "session": {
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               "version": "1.0.0"


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