That makes a lot of sense :) Thanks!

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 3:33 PM Mark Payne <> wrote:

> Zilvinas,
> That’s fantastic! I can’t say for certain without delving in a whole lot
> deeper, but I would guess that the disk reads have dropped significantly
> because disk caching is now much better utilized. Before, you were bringing
> in a bunch of data and writing to disk. That would evict “old” data from
> the cache. When you then went to read the FlowFile content, it would have
> to go to disk. Now, you’re not holding as much data in the content
> repository because the backpressure is preventing you from bringing in huge
> amounts until you’ve dealt with what you have. As a result, you don’t evict
> the content from the OS disk cache, so when you go to read, it’s just
> coming from the disk cache. So that would mean way less disk reading and
> way better throughput. If I recall correctly, you’re running on AWS with a
> 200 GB EBS volume for the content repo (though I could be remembering a
> different thread). That’s not a particularly fast volume, so it makes sense
> that disk caching would give you dramatically better performance.
> Thanks
> -Mark
> On Jan 29, 2021, at 10:16 AM, Zilvinas Saltys <
>> wrote:
> Thanks Mark.
> That explains it. It makes sense as I know thread count is also per node.
> I know from working with my team that it's counterintuitive to people. I
> set the queue to max 1000 items but then I see 19,000 in a 25 node cluster.
> It can be confusing. It's kinda obvious now that you've pointed it out
> though. Perhaps expanding the tooltips to explain that the settings are per
> node could be helpful.
> What I find very interesting if that after your suggested changes Disk
> READ IO dropped on all nodes while performance improved. Please see the
> attached screenshot. I would guess that when nodes have low amounts of
> items in the queue it somehow manages to avoid some of the DISK IO between
> processors. Is that possible?
> Thanks again, you've saved our NIFI ;)
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 2:20 PM Mark Payne <> wrote:
>> Zilvinas,
>> The backpressure is per-node, not cluster-wide. So if you set a
>> backpressure of 100, that means that each node will allow up to 100
>> FlowFiles into that connection. In fact, almost any of these types of
>> settings in NiFi are per-node settings. The number of concurrent tasks, the
>> thread pool size, backpressure, sizes of the repositories, etc. Generally,
>> this works very nicely, because it allows you to ensure that each node is
>> bringing in only the work that it can handle.
>> Thanks
>> -Mark
>> On Jan 29, 2021, at 8:57 AM, Zilvinas Saltys <
>>> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Thank you for your detailed reply. Your suggestions are very helpful and
>> at least for now it seems we've stopped accumulating large queues on some
>> of the nodes. I do have additional questions about back pressure if you
>> don't mind. I've watched all your videos, thanks for sharing them with me.
>> Perhaps the next one could be about back pressure?
>> The way I understand it is that back pressure is configured for the whole
>> connection as an aggregate for all the nodes in the cluster. Meaning if we
>> have a queue with 100 items and 10 nodes in the cluster then in the perfect
>> scenario each node would have 10 items each. My question is how does it
>> actually work internally? If a queue is configured at 100 items max and it
>> now has gone down to 99 and there's now room for 1 more and there are 10
>> flowfiles upstream available on every host - which host on the cluster will
>> get to fill that 1 slot? The only way I could think of this working is that
>> when I define a backpressure of 100 that internally nifi sets every node's
>> BP to 100/node_count. Is this how it works internally?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Z.
>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 8:48 PM Mark Payne <> wrote:
>>> Zilvinas,
>>> That is accurate - when a connection is load balanced, the data is
>>> pushed to a particular node based on the selected algorithm. It is not
>>> continually rebalanced.
>>> So for a flow like this, my recommendation would be:
>>> 1) Set the backpressure threshold from FetchS3Object -> PublishKafka to
>>> something “small.” Probably 1 or 2x the number of concurrent tasks that you
>>> have for PublishKafka. That means that you’ll queue up little data there.
>>> That will cause the data to instead build up on the connection between
>>> EvaluateJsonPath -> FetchS3Object.
>>> 2) Set the backpressure threshold from EvaluateJsonPath -> FetchS3Object
>>> to something small also. Maybe 2x-4x the number of nodes in the cluster.
>>> This will result in data not queuing up here. As a result, as the size of
>>> this queue gets smaller on one node, the data will begin to flow in and get
>>> distributed to one of the nodes in the cluster.
>>> By keeping these queues small, essentially this will cause the “load
>>> balanced” data to stay small. As the faster nodes work off their queue, it
>>> will allow more data to flow in and be load balanced. The nodes that are
>>> not performing well will still have backpressure applied so they won’t get
>>> much of the data as it flows in.
>>> As your flow is right now, there’s no backpressure being hit in the
>>> load-balanced queue. As a result, data streams in as fast as it can and
>>> gets distributed across the cluster. And the nodes that can’t keep up
>>> already have a huge backlog of SQS messages. So making this adjustment will
>>> help to distribute the data as to the nodes as they become able to handle
>>> it.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Mark
>>> On Jan 28, 2021, at 3:27 PM, Zilvinas Saltys <
>>>> wrote:
>>> My other issue is that the balancing is not rebalancing the queue?
>>> Perhaps I misunderstand how balancing should work and it only balances
>>> round robin new incoming files? I can easily manually rebalance by
>>> disabling balancing and enabling it again but after a while it gets back to
>>> the same situation where some nodes are getting worse and worse delayed
>>> more and more and some remain fine.
>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 8:22 PM Zilvinas Saltys <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> Yes it is the same issue. We have used your advice and reduced the
>>>> amount of threads on our large processors: fetch/compress/publish to a
>>>> minimum and then increased gradually to 4 until the processing rate became
>>>> acceptable (about 2000 files per 5 min). This is a cluster of 25 nodes of
>>>> 36 cores each.
>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 8:19 PM Joe Witt <> wrote:
>>>>> I'm assuming also this is the same thing Maksym was asking about
>>>>> yesterday.  Let's try to keep the thread together as this gets discussed.
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 1:10 PM Pierre Villard <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Zilvinas,
>>>>>> I'm afraid we would need more details to help you out here.
>>>>>> My first question by quickly looking at the graph would be: there is
>>>>>> a host (green line) where the number of queued flow files is more or less
>>>>>> constantly growing. Where in the flow are the flow files accumulating for
>>>>>> this node? What processor is creating back pressure? Do we have anything 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the log for this node around the time where flow files start 
>>>>>> accumulating?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>> Le ven. 29 janv. 2021 à 00:02, Zilvinas Saltys <
>>>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> We run a 25 node Nifi cluster on version 1.12. We're processing
>>>>>>> about 2000 files per 5 mins where each file is from 100 to 500 
>>>>>>> megabytes.
>>>>>>> What I notice is that some workers degrade in performance and keep
>>>>>>> accumulating a queued files delay. See attached screenshots where it 
>>>>>>> shows
>>>>>>> two hosts where one is degraded.
>>>>>>> One seemingly dead give away is that the degraded node starts doing
>>>>>>> heavy and intensive disk read io while the other node keeps doing none. 
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> ran iostat on those nodes and I know that the read IOs are on the
>>>>>>> content_repository directory. But it makes no sense to me how some of 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> nodes who are doing these heavy tasks are doing no disk read io. In this
>>>>>>> example I know that both nodes are processing roughly the same amount of
>>>>>>> files and of same size.
>>>>>>> The pipeline is somewhat simple:
>>>>>>> 1) Read from SQS 2) Fetch file contents from S3 3) Publish file
>>>>>>> contents to Kafka 4) Compress file contents 5) Put compressed contents 
>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>> to S3
>>>>>>> All of these operations to my understanding should require heavy
>>>>>>> reads from local disk to fetch file contents from content repository? 
>>>>>>> How
>>>>>>> is such a thing possible that some nodes are processing lots of files 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> are not showing any disk reads and then suddenly spike in disk reads and
>>>>>>> degrade?
>>>>>>> Any clues would be really helpful.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>> <Screenshot 2021-01-29 at 15.12.43.png>

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