Hi All,

I'm using Nifi 1.14.0 to fetch a set of files from a S3 bucket. The
'FetchS3Object' processor throws the following error only for small files.
I tried to fetch the same set of files using Nifi 1.13.2. There was no
issue with 1.13.2. Can you please let me know a way to overcome this issue.

FetchS3Object[Id: 684e3935-ddb1-1004-dd60-2e926d9469a4] Failed to retrieve
S3 Object for
[resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1629123317469-1, container=default,
section=1], offset=10164,
routing to failure: The requested range is not satisfiable (Service: Amazon
S3; Status Code: 416; Error Code: InvalidRange; Request ID:
NDCXP1G52A96HJ2R; S3 Extended Request ID:
Proxy: null)

Thank You.

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