Thank you so much for the reply Chris.

Yes, I am deploying NiFi into Kubernetes. I am using a directory backed by 
persistent volume but after every pod restart new .journal file is created and 
older values of cache are lost .

Just for testing, I pointed Persistent Directory to a path in 
content_repository as persistence is enabled and content_repository’s data 
survives pod restart as it is backed by persistent volume, but I can see all 
other content repository specific data surviving pod restart but cache .journal 
file is newly created after pod restart loosing older values in cache.

Please point out if I am missing anything in achieving a persistent cache in 
which data survives pod restart.


From: Chris Sampson <>
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 12:55 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Persistence in DistributedMapCacheServer

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the 
content is safe.
You mention "Pod restart", does this mean you're deploying NiFi into 
Kubernetes? If so, you will need to mount an external Persistent Volume into 
the Pod as a directory that you can use for the Persistent Directory of the 

We've used NiFi Kubernetes and successfully persisted DMC data between Pod 
restarts using this approach.

Chris Sampson
IT Consultant<>

On Wed, 18 Aug 2021 at 04:01, Ravneet Cheema 
<<>> wrote:
Hello ,

I am using DistributedMapCacheServer with setting of Persistent Directory. I 
can see contents of cache in the directory, but the contents do not survive 
nifi restart .
Older values from cache should be available after restart, right ?
I have attached template where I have configured client and distributed map 
cache server.
Based on answer in following link , data in cache should be available on 
Please provide insights on how I can achieve a persistent cache in which data 
survives pod restart .


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