Hello all.

You can decrease the penalty value on the processor.
Set to 0 for example.

Le lun. 25 oct. 2021 à 16:22, Bilal Bektas <bilal.bek...@obase.com> a
écrit :

> Hi Community,
> We use LookupAttribute processor in order to get lookup value from
> Teradata or Oracle DB. Processors work as follows:
> LookupAttribute (Teradata)  ---(failure & unmatched) ---> LookupAttribute
> (Oracle)
> This flows works well and LookupAttribute (Teradata) penalizes to flow
> files when Teradata DB is down. Therefore, the queue on upstream connection
> of LookupAttribute (Teradata) increases. But, we don't want to that
> LookupAttribute (Teradata) penalizes to flow files. We want to that
> LookupAttribute (Teradata) processor forwards flow files to failure
> downstream connection when all failure situation on LookupAttribute
> (Teradata). Thus, LookupAttribute (Oracle) can process flow files which
> cannot process on LookupAttribute (Teradata).
> Is it possible to disable penalty feature of processor or is there any
> solution which you can suggest for this situation.
> Thank you in advance,
> --Bilal
> obase
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