On Mar 4, 2008, at 1:47 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:

1- I will not present in JDC as there is no available place for my
presentation as we wanted other visitors from abroad to present all
their stuff as people here will not get other chances to attend those
presentations life.

2- At last I will add entries to my blog, and I am planning to write a
seried of entries about EJB3, EJB3.1 and OpenEJB.

3- I am planning to present EJB3, EJB3.1 and OpenEJB in my colledge in
a series of presentations to spread the technology to fresh people.

4- What about a 2 book about OpenEJB 1) For JEE developers and how
they can leverage the features of OpenEJB to develop and test their
EJBs, 2) A comprehensive book for Hackers documenting the inernals of
OpenEJB which will ease the way of new contributers and committers to
join or learn from OpenEJB itself, I've found a book which makes the
same but for Tomcat. You've said that you can find a publisher which
can help up in printing the book and publish it.

Good luck with the blog entries and college presentations. If you need something there just let me know. And if you decide to publish articles I can probably help. Book publishing is different and there's likely little I can do to help get your book proposal accepted. Though if you do manage to get a book deal, happy to give tips, advice, and technical help as it relates to OpenEJB.


On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 10:15 AM, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just as a general FYI, if anyone is interested in speaking or writing
articles about OpenEJB I am more than happy to help you out in any way
I can.

Happy to review slides/text, help you get examples running, give you
ideas on what to write or speak about, show you some advanced
features, even give you some phone time.  I may even be able to help
you find a publisher if you need it.

A few topic ideas might be:
  - learning ejb 3.0 with OpenEJB; maybe show off the validation
functionality and how it can be used to learn ejb and speed up
  - advanced ejb dependency injection; show off the ability to extend
injection beyond the spec supported types
  - java ee with tomcat; show how to beef up your servlets with
better dependency injection, jms, jpa, transactions, jax-ws, etc.
doesn't even have to use ejbs.
  - unit testing ejbs; show anything from basic testing to detailed
configuration, testing transactions, testing security
  - unit testing GlassFish apps; yes, we support their descriptors
and can unit test their ejbs just fine.
  - host ejbs from your app; show how to embed OpenEJB to make your
application capable of supporting ejbs and even remote ejb clients
  - debugging ejbs in your IDE with no plugins; show how when using
openejb to test your apps you can use standard debugging with no
plugins or remote servers.

If you're a member or leader of a Java User Group, feel free to
forward this offer out to your list.

You're welcome to email me directly or via the OpenEJB lists.


- Mohammad Nour

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