On Jun 7, 2012, at 6:16 PM, zeeman wrote:

> Hi,
> I have used Jboss AS7 and Glassfish3.1 for JavaEE. Just heard about Tomee
> and migrated a real world project from AS7 to see how it goes. Here is some
> "real feedback"
> Good:
> 1- Validation on Tomee is great, it catches things other containers don't.
> Injection points, etc...
> 2- It's based on something reliable as Tomcat
> 3- Memory consumption on Tomee is over 30% less than GF and AS7.

That's great you noticed the validation.  I think it's one of our better 
features and is rarely mentioned.

Also nice to hear a percentage on the memory consumption.  We've heard good 
things about that from other users and we ourselves have noticed it's quite 
small, but it's nice to hear a measurement.

Saving 30% on memory could lead to some real savings in a cloud setting.

> Bad:
> 1- IDE integration requires a lot of effort to get it to work.

Which IDE?  The Eclipse integration is where I've focused my time.  Some of the 
other IDEs are adding adapters as Romain said, but most are based on the Tomcat 
adapter so will likely have the same issues unless we alert them of issues.

> 2- The same project that works in other JavaEE app servers does not work on
> Tomee. For example, JSF navigation rules, xhtml, AJAX, etc... This will
> prevent new people from adopting Tomee. Maybe it's more of a Myfaces issue
> but Tomee uses Myfaces by default.

We've seen a couple JSF related issues since the 1.0.0 came out.  Some were 
bugs in TomEE and some were in MyFaces.  The MyFaces community has been very 
quick to fix issues (sometimes a day turnaround).

Library conflicts has been another source of issues, but these are typically 
with plain Tomcat apps that have included some part of the "server" in the war 
file such as spec libraries and other implementations of containers.  In nearly 
all these situations the solution is simply removing jars.

The first chunk of issues will naturally go away the more bug reports we get 
and clear up.  The second class of issues will require some creative coding on 
our part.

If you still have details on any of the specific issues you faced, we'd love to 
have them :)  We consider them food to help us grow :)  Especially at this 
stage where we have a really good server that is at the core very excellent and 
just needs a few more iterations of polish.

> 3- Lack of complete realistic examples. One realistic example that uses many
> features of Tomee would be great. A WAR that uses JPA, EJB, CDI, JSF, with
> an open source JSF library like Primefaces. Most example are simple and
> don't represent a real web app or use really old versions JSF1.2, etc..

That's also good to hear.  We have a lot of examples, but you're right they're 
focused and small.

Some bigger ones would be great.  Really anyone can contribute those, so for 
all reading we'd absolutely love to have more contributed examples!  The door 
is open for contribution and we love it when we get to add new committers! :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to give us good feedback!


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