Am 15.08.2013 14:38, schrieb Guenter Marxen:

Am 15.08.2013 11:48, schrieb Fernando Cassia:
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Josef Latt <> wrote:

In addition to the mail from Brian Barker.

You must do a so-called administration installation:
Are you really advising end users to drop to a command line and call
msiexec with a bunch of parameters? really? Why should the
installation process be "disrupted"?
I never had to do ANYTHING of the above, and I have AOO 4.0
co-existing with older OO.o and StarOffice.

IIRC the installation process was changed with OOo 2.x. Till then a new
version did not delete the old one.

IMHO but only for main versions eg. 3.x.x 4.x.x not form 4.0.0 to 4.1.0.


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