On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> Around this time last year we invited you to send us your questions
> about Apache OpenOffice, the things you always wondered about the
> product, or questions about the OpenOffice open source project.
> We had you enter these questions into Google Moderator, where you
> could also view and rate questions that other users had submitted.  We
> took the top 10 questions, as voted by you, and answered them on our
> blog:
> https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/your_top_questions_answered
> We're doing this again, hoping for some more great questions.
> Technical questions, questions about the open source project,
> questions about where we see things going in 5 years, all are good
> candidates.
> But please avoid repeating questions that were already answered in
> last year's blog post.  We'll ignore those.
> Also, support questions should still go to our community support
> forums (http://forum.openoffice.org/) for faster response.  Ask
> OpenOffice is intended for questions of broader interest to users and
> the community.
> Last year when we did this we saw 274 questions, and 1,743 votes, from
> 365 users.  I think we'll do even better this time!
> To submit your question, and to view and rate questions already
> submitted,  go to this page and click on "Submit a question":
> http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=214628

It is about time to wrap this up.   If you still have question to
enter, please do so.   If you can spare a few minutes to vote on the
existing questions, that is even more important at this stage.  Your
votes are what determines the top questions.

You can view the questions submitted so far here:


I'm planning on closing this in one week.



> Note:  If for any reason you are unable or unwilling to access Google
> Moderator, you can send the question to me and I will enter it for
> you.
> Regards,
> -Rob

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