Apologies if I’m in the wrong department.

I have used MS Word for years but for many reasons I want to replace it with 
Open Office.

I tried my first business letter today (without making a Template unless a 
Template will help me in the long run).

If I can get ALL of my Open Office Letters set up as follows that would be 
great but I cannot seem to do it in proper sequence (or at all).

Letter Size (8.5” X 11 “); Single Line Spacing; Full Justified Margins without 
hyphenizations (if the word cannot fit on a line continue full word on next 
line); Space to each side margins 0.8 “; Space from top: 1.4”
Space from bottom : 1.2”; Space between paragraphs: 1 blank line.

I’m not sure whether this question (asking for some type of 
sequencing/selection options/saving) is far too complex for a response or far 
too simple but I spent >1hour simply trying to setup a Doc/Letter page per
the above and it seemed if I got part of it right, other aspects I had no clue.

Any dumbed-down assistance appreciated (and will get me away from MS Word). If 
I’m in the wrong department a link to the correct area of Open Office would be 




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