2014-03-04 20:51 GMT+01:00 MSAESQ <tempr...@hotmail.com>:

> Apologies if I’m in the wrong department.
> I have used MS Word for years but for many reasons I want to replace it
> with Open Office.
> I tried my first business letter today (without making a Template unless a
> Template will help me in the long run).
> If I can get ALL of my Open Office Letters set up as follows that would be
> great but I cannot seem to do it in proper sequence (or at all).
> Letter Size (8.5” X 11 “); Single Line Spacing; Full Justified Margins
> without hyphenizations (if the word cannot fit on a line continue full word
> on next line); Space to each side margins 0.8 “; Space from top: 1.4”
> Space from bottom : 1.2”; Space between paragraphs: 1 blank line.
> I’m not sure whether this question (asking for some type of
> sequencing/selection options/saving) is far too complex for a response or
> far too simple but I spent >1hour simply trying to setup a Doc/Letter page
> per
> the above and it seemed if I got part of it right, other aspects I had no
> clue.
> Any dumbed-down assistance appreciated (and will get me away from MS
> Word). If I’m in the wrong department a link to the correct area of Open
> Office would be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> tempr...@hotmail.com

Apache OpenOffice is style based so using styles will definitely help you
in the long run. As far as I can tell, styles is probably the first thing
you should learn properly. How to create them, apply them and so on.
Templates are, in my opinion, also important to learn.

Someone else already replied to the rest of your questions so I'll leave it
with that…

Johnny Rosenberg

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