Hi Everyone,

I am Prannoy and I am working on Roundtrip Conversion from LyX to ODT as a
part of my Google Summer of Code 2014 project.

While doing LyX to ODT conversion I am saving the latex math expression as
it is using the annotation tag so that I can extract it back while
performing ODT to LyX conversion. All annotations are inside the main
content.xml. I am able to extract the math expression back if the file is
not modified and saved in OpenOffice. After modifying and saving the
document, OpenOffice rewrites everything and the annotation tags I had in
content.xml now disappear. Is there any way to stop OpenOffice from
removing the annotation tags in the content.xml?

I can now extract the math from the annotation which OpenOffice writes
inside the content.xml of that particular formula but this is not of much
use as it is a custom notation.

Looking forward to hear everyone's views on this

Thanks and Regards
Prannoy Pilligundla

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