On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 1:04 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <
and...@pitonyak.org> wrote:

> I've been using computers since the 1990's and
>> the internet since 1998. I can find my way around on a website. However,
>> I want to post to your forum on Office Writer but I do not see, any
>> where on that page, the word 'Post' or anything that indicates in some
>> way that I can post a message to the forum.
The openoffice.apache.org 
 is running on 
  phpBB <http://www.phpbb.com/>
one of many discussion group packages. 
You can call discussion software,  groups, mail lists, venues, blogs with
comments, Nets etc. Each has different user interfaces.

This rendition of phpBB has a bright red button "new topic"

My world of discussion networking hails back to pre-interenet when we used
PC's with telephone dial-up on FIDONET to share posts.
"To succeed, stay focused.

*                                         Do what you do
up-skill,  prepare for new challenges,

                                 make time for learning"*

My BIO ?? Google 4 me:  Dave+Mainwaring+Knowledge+Networks


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