At 19:58 11/12/2014 +0000, Toki "Jonathon" Kantoor wrote:
On 08/12/14 05:11, Brian Barker wrote:
[Toki "Jonathon" Kantoor wrote:]
Odds are, it is a language dictionary mismatch. What dictionaries are installed? What language does Apache OpenOffice think that the document is written in?

For what it's worth, this is surely not true?

When the language detection routine misfires, everything is flagged as a spelling error.

I'm not at all sure what you are suggesting here. OpenOffice is neither a gun nor an engine, so it won't commonly "misfire". And if software does go wrong, you can hardly predict what it will do.

We all know that if OpenOffice thinks it has the appropriate dictionary installed, a corrupted user profile can prevent it operating correctly and make it flag all words as misspelled. (And the original questioner confirmed that this was his problem and solution, in fact.) But that's a language *match*, not a mismatch. In the case of a "mismatch" - surely where there is no dictionary to match the declared language? - nothing is flagged. Even though one could expect it to, simply not having the correct dictionary installed does not create this error. Unless you've seen reports of behaviour the rest of us haven't, that is ...

You talk about a "language detection routine" as if this sets the language for text, but surely it limits itself to the languages it offers in the Status Bar and the menus? Since it doesn't itself set the language, it cannot affect any flagging of supposedly misspelled words.

Brian Barker

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