
You have always come through with beautiful simple answers that take the
kinks out of doing things.

Thanks so MUCH!

I'll try this when I'm more awake and then I might have more questions.

Have a beautiful day :)

Most sincerely,


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 6:15 AM, Brian Barker <>

> At 05:06 12/01/2016 -0500, Linda Hull wrote:
>> Is there a written Tutorial for making charts in AOO 4.1.2?
> Yes: Chapter 3 "Creating Charts and Graphs: Presenting information
> visually" in the Calc Guide. See
> .
> I want to make a pie chart.
> There's a section on pie charts.
> I have a list of country names and numbers:
>> 390 CA
>> 337 GB
>> 286 NL
>> [...]
>> Calc appears to handle the CA GB NL as second column of data, but doesn't
>> know how to assign them values.
> You need to swap the order of your columns: to have the labels to the left
> of the values.
> I would like the chart to have a key that shows the colors of the segment
>> and has the Country Code beside it:
>> [purple] CA
>> [green] GB
>> [yellow] NL
> Tick "Display legend" in the fourth step ("Chart Elements") of the Chart
> Wizard.
> Is there a way to rotate the pie, so that I can pick which segments are in
>> front?
> Reorder your data. The segments appear to be presented starting at the top
> and working anticlockwise.
> Can the colors be changed?
> Yes - at Tools | Options... | Charts | Default Colours.
> How do I get a title to appear in the Chart?
> Add it in the fourth step ("Chart Elements") of the Chart Wizard.
> Separately:
>> I've had problems keeping titles at the tops of spreadsheets. When
>> reopened, they often end up below the table.
> Really?
> You can create titles by entering them into suitable spreadsheet cells -
> or suitable merged cells. You can also enter a header at Format | Page... |
> Header | Edit... and similarly for a footer. I don't see why any of these
> should move around.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker - privately
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