AOO 4.1.2 on WIN8.1 desktop

I am trying to organize the many passwords that I use when accessing the computer and the internet, etc. My goal is simply to have a paper copy of the various passwords for storage is a secure location and I will probably also store the AOO Calc .ods file on a flash drive. . (I am also wondering if I should be using AOO Base instead of Calc?)

Two observations when using the Toolbar A-Z sort  button:

1. I've noted that if/whenever another cell within the same row does
   /_not_/ have anything entered, the sorted result appears to be
messed up. I select a (key) column and afterward do click on the "Extend selection" button. Must I enter dummy data (hyphen, for
   example) to satisfy the apparent requirement that every adjacent
   cell in the row must have some data? Is there another possible
2. Some cells are formatted for Wrap Text alignment.  The row height of
   those rows that do contain wrapped-text is varied (made too small)
   after executing the sort routine, forcing me to readjust the row's
   height .  Is this normal behavior? Is there a method to freeze the
   row height?

Thanks for reading this.


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