_FYI Update_:
I misspoke in my OP; I did not select the entire column (A), but rather I highlighted the specific cells within column A prior to executing the sort, A to Z.

I initially began with a default spreadsheet, using whatever cell formatting and row-height setting.


1.   I unfroze the window for the sheet in question. Perhaps having the
   screen's window frozen is p/o the cause of this problem.
2. I have formatted the entire sheet for "text". None of my entries for
   the purpose of my Password List require formulae entries.
3. I have just now added one new entry into column A and then did a
   sort A to Z; the row height for the newly added entry, which needed
   word-wrapping,  and the rows for any previously existing row with
   word wrapping, appear too small/low.

I asked about a possible method to freeze the row's height because, frankly, it is a PITA to readjust row heights after doing the sort routine. I suppose that it would be wiser for me to make up a dummy spreadsheet for experimentation, to duplicate my issue, rather than go through the hoops each time that I revise / add data and risk loosing my work thus far.

I will post again when I get some troubleshooting results to report here.

Thanks for reading this.


On 5/29/2016 3:48 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:43 28/05/2016 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
Two observations when using the Toolbar A-Z sort button:
I've noted that if/whenever another cell within the same row does /_not_/ have anything entered, the sorted result appears to be messed up.

I don't see this (and it appears no-one else does either).

I select a (key) column and afterward do click on the "Extend selection" button. Must I enter dummy data (hyphen, for example) to satisfy the apparent requirement that every adjacent cell in the row must have some data?

I don't see any such requirement. I hope there isn't, as it would be silly. If you continue to see this, you may have to construct and describe a simple-as-possible set of instructions to reproduce the problem.

Are the contents of the adjacent cells actual values (numbers, text, whatever?) or are they the results of formulae? If they are formulae (no matter how simple), remember that the results of those formulae may be affected by the process of sorting. Is that what you are seeing?

For example, suppose that you have text values (to be sorted) in column A and formulae in column B, with column headings in row 1. Say that B3 has =LEFT(A2) and so on, filled down column B. The result of this will be that each B cell will have just the initial letter of the A cell in the *previous* row. If you now sort on column A as you describe, the values in column B will correspond to the *new* preceding row and not what preceded it before the sort process. That may or may not be what anyone would want.

Some cells are formatted for Wrap Text alignment. The row height of those rows that do contain wrapped-text is varied (made too small) after executing the sort routine, forcing me to readjust the row's height. Is this normal behavior?

Yes and no. If you have set the row heights manually, I think these settings will be preserved - which may create the effect you see.

Is there a method to freeze the row height?

Er, do you want to preserve the row heights where they are - so that the data may no longer fit - or do you wish the heights not to be frozen but to move around with the data?
I expect that the rows' height are automatically changed to accommodate the amount of text that is entered within any of the columns' width, even after doing a/multiple sort routine(s). Addition of data and doing sort routines should not require readjustment of row heights.

If you use the default row height (double-click on the row separator below the relevant row in the row headers) and then choose "Wrap text automatically" in the cell formatting (is that what you mean?), I think you will see what you need.

Do you mean that there is a particular required sequence when choosing auto text wrap cell-formatting, before or after manually doing a row-height setting for a specific row? I expect to manually readjust the rows' height setting once, but not after doing a sort routine.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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