At 08:07 05/10/2017 -0400, Linda Hull wrote:
I feel like I'm in Through-the-Looking-Glass Land.

No, I think you are in the real world and I am somewhat distracting you. Apologies that my previous reply was not entirely accurate.

You know I do this regularly to manage channel access lists for IRC. It's just not working. I have NEVER had to modify the file name before.

Changing .txt to .csv does work, but - as you say - it may not be necessary.

I don't think I converted the files to .doc, Writer holds them as .odt.

Now I'm confused: you said you saved as .txt. I hope you did.

What I have always been doing is: Look up the filename in 'open'. Open the dropdown, "All files (*.*)", scroll down to where it says: "Text CSV (*.csv *.txt)", click that and it should show me a "do you really want to open all this stuff in a spreadsheet?" .. click yes.

I don't recognise that error message, but yes: you should see the Text Import window, allowing you to select options.

I'll be happy to send you any number of files privately, ...

One would suffice.

... but I'm wondering if something is bugged in my Apache OpenOffice?

Much more likely that you are doing something slightly differently or you have made or allowed a settings change.

Is it possible that the actual contents of a specific text file make OpenOffice think you cannot want it as a spreadsheet?

Is it just possible that you are scrolling down to "Text (*.txt)" in the text document list instead of "Text CSV (*.csv;*.txt)" in the spreadsheet documents list?

Which version of OpenOffice are you using? And what operating system?

Brian Barker

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