David B Teague wrote:
> Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> I just installed OpenOffice.org 3.1.0 on my Ubuntu 8.10 system. Before
>> I did that I read about what's new and things like that. It was
>> interesting to see that they finally did something about at least some
>> speed issues, so I was looking forward to install it and see if it
>> feels faster.
>> However, fixing a few speed issues doesn't necessary mean that there
>> are no speed issues left, so I tried something that I tried years ago,
>> which was slow back then. Unfortunately I don't remember HOW slow it
>> was then and I used another computer then too.
>> So now I'm asking others to test this too, and tell me if you agree
>> with me that this could be done a lot faster. If you have Excel, it
>> would be interesting if you converted it to Excel format and did the
>> same test in Excel.
>> Test what? Ok, I'll come to the point.
>> First download this test document:
>> http://hem.bredband.net/guraknugen/TestfileAutofilter.ods
>> It's about 500 kB so it will take some time to download with a slow
>> connection.
>> Don't worry about what's in the file. Most of the words there are fake
>> (created with a random name macro also included in that file - you
>> don't need that macro in this test though).
>> There are a bit more than 2000 rows and what I want you to do is to
>> use the autofilter function.
>> For example I did this:
>> Click the autofilter button in the ”Till” column, which is column I.
>> Select the first thing in the list: ”Adindy” (yes, it's a fake word
>> and means nothing - if it does in some language, it's a coincidence).
>> This took about 18 seconds on my computer!
>> Selecting All took about 15 s.
>> One strange thing is that I tested this again now, after downloading
>> the file from the address mentioned above, and now it's a lot faster:
>> 8 seconds for ”Adindy” and about 3 seconds for All.
>> Still, this is only about 2000 rows. 65536 rows shouldn't take more
>> than a second or so.
>> And selecting all sheet and then select ”Show” is a lot faster than
>> then selecting All from the Autofilter thing.
>> I was going to file a but report (speed issue) about this, but I want
>> to hear other's opinions first.
>> 1.6 GHz dual core, 2.0 MiB RAM, OpenOffice 3.1.0, Ubuntu 8.10.
> 1.6 GHz Sempron 2800, 333 MHz backplane, 1 GB RAM, OO.o 3.1.0 Windows
> XP SP3
> With OO.o not in memory, it takes  30 seconds to load OO.o to start an
> empty odt document. That is about twice as long as 3.0.1 took.
> However, once OO.o is in memory, opening an existing 50 K odt document
> takes 3 to 4 seconds.
> I believe 3.1.0 startup with OO.o not in memory is just too slow.
> I fetched the file you link to above. My system takes about 15 seconds
> to start OO.o  and load this spread sheet with OO.o in memory. I have
> no basis for comparison with OO.o 3.0.1 for I do not use spreadsheets.
> On my system with OO.o 3.1.0 in memory:
> autofilter on Adindy on column I takes about 6 seconds
> "all" filter  takes about 3 seconds
> I hope this is useful to you.
> David Teague
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To Users: Of what real improvement is 3.1 over KAMI'S  enhanced 3.0.1,
which includes templates and graphics that I have not heard 3.1 has?
Would it not be better to wait and see if KAMI comes out with an
enhanced version of 3.1, if he does? :-\

Old Sarge-John Boyle

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