Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 03:21:21PM -0700, John Boyle wrote:
>> Fred A. Miller wrote:
>>> James Knott wrote:
>>>> Twayne wrote:
>>>>> 's funny. Your data is very misleading.  Linux:
>>>>> --  Has a steep learning curve
>>>> Tell that to my friend, who I loaned my Eee PC to.  She took to it right
>>>> away, without any instruction whatsoever.
>>>>> --  Uses non-intuitive program names as a rule
>>>> Are you referring to command line?  If so, how many typical users go there?
>>>>> --  has more undiscovered security risks than Windows by a long shot 
>>>>> with the actual quantity varying as each of many authors add their own 
>>>>> improvements and additional features.
>>>> Actually, for a variety of reasons, Linux tends to be far more secure. 
>>>> Are you aware, for example, that much of the security problems with IE
>>>> result from MS trying to prove a point in response to what they claimed
>>>> in a court case?  Look up Netscape vs Microsoft, where MS claimed IE
>>>> couldn't be removed, as it was part of the OS.  At the time it wasn't,
>>>> but with the next version, it was tightly intertwined with the operating
>>>> system, with the result that a security problem for the browser becomes
>>>> a security probem for the entire system.
>>>>> --  Carries many of the SAME security risks in the "user" category of 
>>>>> bad use
>>>> In normal usage, Linux does not expose users to risk, as they're less
>>>> likely to run as admin (root).  On the other hand, Windows users often
>>>> have to run as admin, in order to get the app to work.
>>>>> --  is much more difficult to add/remove a program from than Windows
>>>> How do you figure that?  Have you actually tried recently in Linux???
>>>>> --  Complete newbies find themselves understanding the nuances of 
>>>>> controls and management much faster and easier in windows than in Linux
>>>>> --  is not user friendly
>>>> Much B.S.
>>> "Much?" More like that's all it was! ;)
>>> Fred
>> To Fred Miller, et al: I hate to burst your bubble, but much of what the
>> original writer wrote is completely true! Now, before I start a flame
>> war, let me modify his complaint to fit the case!!! Linux comes in MANY
>> MANY FLAVORS , and NOT that many people have the time or inclination to
>> try ALL of the 100's or so, (at least it seems like 100's) to find one
>> that works for them! Then there is the constant change, for MANY of the
>> Distro's, as they are called, which means that your hardware
>> configuration may have worked for an earlier version, but it will NO
>> LONGER! There are many out here who just cannot AFFORD TO CONTINUALLY
>> PAY OUT FOR HARDWARE UPGRADES, and that is ONE Major drawback to
>> becoming a Linux user! NOW, what are my qualifications to making any
>> statement on Linux, I WAS a Linux user for 2 to 3 years, and finally had
>> to go back to WINDOWS, because NONE of the DISTRO'S were even the
>> vaguest of being USER FRIENDLY , WHATSOEVER! And the local help that WAS
>> supposed to be available, would NOT bother to help, beyond how to turn
>> been a MSFT slave for quite some time, starting with an 8080 Tandy and
>> DOS, and am now using WINXP with sp/3! Would I switch to LINUX? You darn
>> tooten I would, providing I could find one really user friendly version,
>> that would NOT change the very next month, requiring an expenditure of
>> hard to come by cash, and giving me another HEART ATTACK, which I do not
>> need! My computer(s), one of which was dedicated to Linux, are both
>> floor models on rolling stands, hooked thru a in house intranet Kbox,
>> and to the Internet by cable, are quite capable of handling most
>> software, as I have souped them up the best I could on a fixed budget! I
>> wanted to move to Linux so badly, that my frustration at it almost
>> caused me to hurl my computer that was dedicated to it, out a second
>> story window of my house! :-(
> Hate to burst *your* bubble pal, but having used various Linux distros for
> the last 10 yrs or so I have yet to have an upgrade break hardware 
> compatibility.
> The only hardware that may not be supported is some of the new bleeding edge
> stuff. If it was supported before it will be supported through the upgrades.
> Occasionally an upgrade may break an application but I have had harware stop 
> working.
> It's true that there are a bunch of distros but anyone just jumping in would,
> or at least should, stick with on of the majors, Ubuntu, Debian, or Fedora.
> Which distro did you try that you had no luck with?
> What local help are you referring to? The place you bought the computer from? 
> If so, what response did you expect? Did you try any other sources of help?
> Since you posted to this list I assume you know what mailing lists are. Is 
> there 
> a local LUG and did you try them? Did you do any searches for online docs?
> Or did you just decide to come here and whine?
> You sound to me like  Microsquish shill or a troll.
To the person who sent me this definitely misleading message, YOU are
the TROLL!  First of all, your experience with LINUX is in no way any
kind of measure of what another has gone through, and you are wrong, as
I am NOT the only one to have had Hardware "incompatibility" problems
with LINUX! Thirdly, I tried 3 or 4 different distro's and even did the
upgrade on one of them, Fedora, which DID lead to the hardware problem!
ALSO, I belonged to a Computer Club which had a supposed guru on LINUX,
who would not willingly help ANYONE who would not buy a laptop and
dedicate it to his preferred version! SO GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND

Old Sarge-John Boyle

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