Hi Brewster,

2011/1/9 Brewster Gillett <b...@fdi.us>:
> On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 01:45 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> I ran into a few other bad bugs with the Ubuntu-version of OpenOffice.org
>> and finally I just couldn't stand it any more, so I kicked it out and
>> installed the ”real” OpenOffice.org. Worked like a charm since then. I
>> don't know if that would help in this very case, but I would certainly try.
> brewster:
> I guess that is a distinction of which I was not aware. Are you saying
> that Ubuntu is shipping a slightly different version from that which
> is available directly from OOo? That I should download the latest
> version directly from OOo and install it over the Ubuntu version?
> I am definitely not inclined to use RCs or betas.

You don't have to use the RCs or Betas, you can go to the latest
stable release, which is 3.2.1. The original OOo version installs
itself in /opt, so you could run both versions, if you need them.

> Just out of curiosity, is there a detectable rationale for Ubuntu's
> provision of a buggier version of OOo than Open Office itself ships?

Depends. I wouldn't say, that the Ubuntu (or any other distro version)
is buggier than the OOo one. It's just, that they have different
features. For example, if you get many Excel files with a lot of VBA
Macros in them, you might want to use the Ubuntu version, since the
vanilla version cannot handle those. And there are a few other
differences (which I don't remember at the moment).

Hope, this helps.


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