On 03/21/2011 05:36 AM, Stefan Taxhet wrote:
> Hi Gary, All,
> On 18.03.2011 03:13, NoOp wrote:
>> On 03/13/2011 02:38 PM, Paul wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 2:21 PM, NoOp<snip rude posting og email address>  
>>> wrote:...
>>>> I'll give it a try. Will there be instructions on how to access Sympa?
>>>> No too sure what you mean. If you set your subscribed email address to not
>>> receive email, then access through gmane it should work as you intend.
>>> Email me off list if you have any further queries.
>>> /paul
>> That's OK. If OOo can't figure out how to migrate existing gmane.org
>> users&  existing OOo bug report accounts over properly, then I'll just
>> simply move on to LO.
> Paul explained one solution for you; another one is to exempt gmane 
> users from moderation. But this needs to be done over time as messages 
> from gmane users arrive.

Nice to see a response 5 days later on the list. Let's see how long this
one takes...

> To resolve the problems with your bug access some more information is 
> required. Were you able to recover your account?

No. It should be a pretty simple thing to check my account & bug report
postings. That account/email address wasn't subscribed via gmane.org, it
was subscribed directly via openoffice.org. Again, if Oracle expect the
thousands of previous users to jump through hoops to regain their
established account names/addresses/passwords, then I wish you folks luck.

NB: Further, it should be rather simple to transform all gmane.org
posters over to a new system. If you (Oracle) have problems figuring
this out, then just wander over to gamne.org and follow the instructions.

>> I figure that those of us (using gmane.org) that have contributed to
>> this list (and the other OOo lists) for such a long time, and
>> contributed to the bug reports, do not deserve to be 'Moderated' or
>> suddenly find that we can no longer access the list or the bug reports.
>> Good luck with OOo, the list, and further bug report participation.
>> Thanks for trying Paul.
> Your and other list members' contributions here and on bugs are much 
> appreciated. I'm happy to join Paul in the effort to straighten things 
> out. Feel free to take the offer and contact us directly.

Right... I've responded to your direct email.

> Greetings
> Stefan
> --

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