On 05/12/2011 01:50 PM, RA Brown wrote:
> Kara Samantha Mcdermott wrote:
>> Alright. My College Thesis has been "corrupted." I am not fooling around
>> here. My college education is at stake, and I am unamused, I have my
>> document, and it is is bringing up the "ASCII" shenanigans. It has been
>> corrupted- alright. I need it to be fixed. My thesis is due, Friday.
>> I have many people working on fixing it, to no avail. OpenOffice has
>> ruined my college education.
>> It is corrupted, without fixing. The best that anyone can do is pull up
>> an old, seriously un-revised copy from months ago. I have a few issues.
>> A. Why did this happen?
>> B. Why can't I pull up an old copy? I saved hundreds of times, today alone.
>> C. I will not graduate now, because I will not be able to hand this in.
>> There is no fixing this. No apology will be good enough.
>> Kara McDermott
> You have already had answers to this on the OOoForum [1].
> [1] http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=123234&highlight=

Actually I think the fact that users documents end up as data files with
# pound signs (all hex zeros in the actual file) merits further
investigation. If you read though the entire 2 page thread on:

[22 pages term paper replaced with pound signs]

you'll see that Hagar has compiled quite a few of the type of reports.
He also filed a bug report:
[File content changed to hashes at crash or power loss ]
But it is:
Status:         CLOSED INVALID
because unfortunately it's something that is hard to test/reproduce.

Also, unfortunately, those that have the problem generally are in panic
mode and can't/won't provide detailed information on what else may have
ocurred to cause the problem. Perhaps if someone else has the issue and
can provide detailed data a fix could be found.

More from the thread:

> Well, that's rather strange, it's at least the 4th case of such hashes.
> -> Corrupted Writer file OOo 2.3 (GNU/Linux Linpus)
> -> My 18 page file is now #######s (2.3, Windows XP)
> -> ASCII Filter Options Dialogue Question (2.4.1, Windows XP)
> -> Here, 3.0.1, Windows 7.
> Added topics after first posting this message:
> -> Retrieving document (3.0, Windows XP), again with a shutting down issue
> -> File now contains nothing but # characters (3.1, Windows Vista)
> -> Damaged File (3.0, GNU/Linux Ubuntu 9.04), again shutdown (?)
> -> ###### No Text (3.1, Windows XP)
> -> File save error (3.1.1, Windows Vista 64 bit)
> -> Character Set issue opening an .ODT document (3.1, Windows XP)
> -> Saving files incrementally each time ctrl+s is pressed (3.1, Windows XP), 
> computer freeze
> -> ASCII Filter Options (3.1, Windows XP), power loss
> -> I canĀ“t open saved text document (3.1), power loss
> -> Botched file save (OpenOffice 3.1.1 on a Mac OSX Snow Leopard)
> -> ASCII Filter? Help me save my doc!!! (OOo 3.1, Windows Vista)
> -> Problem with file (OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista), computer crash
> -> .odt corrupted, OOo 3.1 on Windows XP, power loss
> -> I can't open my spreadsheet, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista, no power loss, it's 
> a spreadsheet this time
> -> Ods file corrupted or worse, OOo 3.1.1 on Windows Vista, no power loss, 
> it's a spreadsheet again
> -> File contains nothing but ####, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista, no power loss, 
> nothing special it seems
> -> Can't access doc file I was working on, OOo 3.1.0 on Windows XP, OS freeze
> -> Documents being corrupted, OOo 3.1.1 on Windows 7
> -> ASCII Filter Option prevents opening files, OOo 3.1.1, on Windows XP and 
> Mac
> -> Text all replaced with ###, OOo 3.2 (first case) on Windows XP
> -> Text all replaced with ### (other user), OOo 3.2 on Windows Vista
> -> Document broken, OOo 3.1 on Windows XP
> -> Corrupted.doc file, OOo 3.1 on Windows XP
> -> Saved as MS Office 97 Word Doc; now it's all pound signs, OOo 3.0 on 
> Windows XP, saving as .doc
> -> Corrupt file??? full of #####, OOo 3.1on Windows Vista
> -> My document has been turned into pound symbols, OOo 3.2 on Windows XP. 
> Overheating laptop
> -> Important Writer Document corrupted, OOo 3.2 on Windows XP SP3
> -> Recovered Document gone to Gibberish, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista, .doc file 
> format
> -> Writer document is corrupted, OOo 3.0, power loss at save operation.
> -> Corrupted file (only hashes remaining), OOo 3.2.0 on Windows XP, crash at 
> save
> -> Problem with .odt file, can't see its content, OOo 3.2, Windows 7
> -> System crash and data recovery, crash after saving the file. OOo 3.1 on 
> Windows 7
> -> IMPRESS odp file opens through WRITER - and is corrupted, OOo 3.0.1 on 
> Windows Vista, laptop with old battery, USB stick corrupted
> -> Locked Document, OOo 3.2 on Windows 7. Power shut down by mistake
> -> Help Corrupt File, OOo 3.2 on Windows Vista. Power failure
> -> Corrupt odt file, OOo 3.2 on Linux Mint 9, power failure
> -> I can't open the file ..., OOo 3.2
> -> Emergency: Exam report is gone :S, OOo 3.1 on Windows XP, power failure 
> during save
> -> that post in this topic, OOo 3.2.1 on Windows XP, freez during save 
> operation
> -> Saved Spreadsheet as ODT, OOo 3.2 on Windows 7, bad hard disk involved it 
> seems
> -> Weird File Problem Help :(, OOo 3.2.1 on Windows. Battery died while 
> edition.
> -> File corruption? What happened?!, OOo 3.2 on Windows XP. Computer shut off 
> after saving
> -> Pound signs in document locked for editing by: Unknown User, OOo 3.2.1 on 
> Windows Vista; power loss
> -> Extremely serious problem - File corrupted, OOo 3.2 on xubuntu 10.04.
> -> How can I fix my ODT file?, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista
> -> Possible Corrupt File?, OOo 3.1.0 on Windows Vista
> -> Error report crashed, OOo 3.1 on Windows 7, power loss
> -> Can't open my file. Nothing but ##'s, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista
> -> OpenOffice.org File Self-Mutilation, OOo 3.2.? on Windows Seven
> -> Autorecovery issue, OOo 3.2 on Windows XP
> -> Previously functional text doc now unreadable, OOo 3.2 on Windows 7
> -> ODT file wont open up anymore :(, OOo 3.1 on Windows 7
> -> Openoffice restore emergency, Go-oo/OOo 3.2.1 (guess) on Ubuntu 10.10, 
> power loss (Ubuntu forum)
> -> ASCII filter options, OOo 3.3 on Windows 7
> -> Lost my file to text encoding!, OOo 3.2 on Ubuntu 10.10
> -> 32 bit & 64 bit compatibility, OOo 3.2 on Windows Vista
> -> Computer crash destroys document?, OOo 3.3.0 on Windows Vista, computer 
> crash
> -> Hashes after a document recovery, OOo 3.2 on Ubuntu 10.10 (Go-oo build I 
> guess, following a machine crash.
> -> Loss of data in OOo Calc, OOo 3.3.0 on Windows XP after a power cut
> -> Ascii Filter Options error, OOo 3.2.0 on Windows 7
> -> That post in this thread, OOo 3.3 on Windows XP
> -> Failed Save - File Content all #####, OOo 3.1 on Windows Vista
> So it doesn't seem to be related to the OS, neither to the version. But 
> that's the first time I see such cases in a short time. Moreover, that's the 
> first time I see that behavior in 3 years on the forums. There is something 
> here.

Lot of power failures there, but also recent one's that are not
powerfailure/Windows related:


In the past I recall advising to change the default temp location to
other than /tmp (I reset my Temporary file paths to
/home/<user>/.openoffice.org/2/User/temp for safety. This is because of
the system crashes (power or otherwise) the /tmp (or similar on Windows)
files will be cleared on reboot. I also recall several bug reports
regarding this, but can't find them at the moment.

In any event, I think the issue needs further attention. If I get some
time later in the week I'll try a few tests to see if I can replicate.


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