
I did not think of this option.  The XFree package is not directly available 
the foundation's web page for the Mac, however, Fink (a porting project to 
bring programs
from the UNIX world to the Mac world) does have an XFree package available.

To user Fink you first have to install the Fink basic package and then install 
packages using it.  I will warn, however, that there are dependencies to the 
package from what I remember and it may take a long time to install.  Apple 
it easier by combining all that is needed into one very neat package.

James McKenzie

-----Original Message-----
>From: Guy Voets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2007 2:22 AM
>Subject: Re: [users] finding x11
>2007/1/13, Chad Randl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello.  I'm eager to start using Open Office but have run into some
>> trouble
>> right off the bat.  I have a refurbished Core Duo iMac that does not have
>> X11 installed.  I can't locate my original Tiger installation disks to add
>> X11 and the version on Apple's website appears to be only for
>> Panther.  Does
>> anyone know of a source for downloading the right version of X11 for my
>> Mac?
>> Thanks very much.
>I guess the best source for the right version of X11 (4.4.0 for a Tiger OS)
>would be the makers of this windowing system, Xfree86. You can find
>information and the download link here:
>X11 should go into you Utilities folder (a subfolder in your Applications
>good luck
>using dutch OOo 2.1 RC 2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
>and dutch OOo 2.1 RC 1 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
>-- please reply only to --
>Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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