2007/1/15, John Wishart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Thank you for getting back to me re: X11 for Open Office.
I think you guys are providing a great service for us.

I feel like a idiot because I still can't install the X11 part.
I got your PDF and found the How to Install for Tiger.
It says insert "insert the installation DVD of Tiger"

I'm confused. If Tiger is already installed wouldn't X11 already be
on my Tiger SystemX?

On p. 3/17 It shows OpenOffice.org header and asks me to find
the X11 application in applications file In Open Office or OSX
upgrade DVD?
I can't read the page graphic. I assume utilities/applications files
are in there.

I apologize but I'm totally confused and feel very foolish. I hope
you can help.


Hello John

please respond to the users list, as more volunteers on the list may try to
help you out.

X11 is among the 'extras' on your installation DVD. It isn't installed by
default because the people at Apple don't think you'll need the program (and
you don't, if you only run Apple software).
On my Tiger Install DVD, the X11User.pkg you need is to be found under Mac
OSX Install DVD > System > Installation > Packages > X11User.pkg (!!not the
SDK package = for developers!!)

You can find the package with Spotlight (magnifying glass in blue circle,
top right of your screen) or with the Search option in the Finder, once
you've introduced the DVD into your computer.
Clicking on the package will start the installation program, that should put
X11 in your Applications > Utilities folder all by itself. Just let it do
its job.

The other thing you have to do is installing OpenOffice.org. After
downloading, you click on the dmg file. You then get a Finder window with
the OOo icon, drag this to your Applications folder. The Readme and Licence
files you can also drag to a folder that is convenient for you.
You can put the icon of OOo in your dock: go to Applications folder,
localise OOo, click once on the icon and drag it to the dock.
Now you can start OpenOffice.org simply by double-clicking on its icon in
the dock. The first time, starting OOo will take some time. It always fires
up X11 first, then it will ask (anly the first time) if you want to install
Apple fonts to be used by OOo - Yes. Then it works at the fonts and finally
opens a blank Writer screen.

Other components of OOo can be found by going to File > New, where you get
the choice between Writer (text), Calc (spreadsheet), Impress (presentation
à la PowerPoint), Draw, Math, HTML-writer, and Base (database)

Hope you will be able to get started with this notes...

using dutch OOo 2.1 RC 2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.1 RC 1 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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