> On Saturday 29 September 2007 23:03:41 Fred A. Miller wrote:
>>> On Saturday 29 September 2007 18:48:50 S. A. Gnezdov wrote:
>>>> Windows can't support every file format in
>>>> the planet.
>>> But that is exactly what Microsoft is trying to do.
>> NOT hardly. ONLY if they're put into a very tight bind do they
>> even attempt it.
>> Fred
> And just how do you know they aren't. Just look at their track 
> record.
> If they don't want to do exactly what I said they would not be 
> trying to get OOXML ISO approved. What would be the point? We 
> already have an ISO approved OpenDocument Format. We do we need 
> two?
> Microsoft does not want to cooperate with other software 
> manufactures. Look at all the things we have two of and the ones 
> that Microsoft made only work on Microsoft but the others work on 
> all OSs. Does it look like Microsoft is trying to work with the 
> rest of the software manufactures? Why is Microsoft the only one 
> that is different? Everyone else uses the established standards. 
> Microsoft creates their own.
> So, what were you saying? I don't think any one heard you.
I suggest you go back and read your own messages, as you're arguing
against yourself.  You claimed they support all file formats.  That
means they'd happily work with ODF, Word Perfect, PC Write or whatever
files.  You then talk about them pushing OOXML on ISO as a standard,
rather than work with the existing ODF standard.  Which is it?

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