At 19:38 12/11/2007 -0800, Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
How can I enter data into one spreadsheet and have the same data automatically appear on other spreadsheets.

Here are two ways:

o You can reference material from one spreadsheet directly in another: just swap between windows when you are entering formulae and click on cells or cell ranges in the other sheet - so that the formula in one sheet references cells in the other. Copying material from one sheet (i.e. one file) to another is simply a special case of that, of course.

o In the first spreadsheet, you can select all the material that you want to reference from the other sheet, go to Insert | Names > | Define..., and give the cell range a name. Then in the second sheet, go to Insert | Link to External Data..., browse to the file containing the first sheet, and select the named range in the lower panel.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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