On Nov 12, 2007 11:28 AM, Ben Monteith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is the open office writer compatible with Microsoft Word? My college 
> instructor tells me that she is unable to down load my written assignments, 
> because they are not in MSWord format.

Ben, it sounds like you need to save the documents composed in Writer
in MSWord format or possibly in PDF format.

Save in Word format if your instructor needs to be able to edit your
submissions. Save in PDF format if it is only necessary for your
instructor to read your submissions.

To save in Word format:
- for a new document select File>Save from the menu
- for a document that has been saved previously select File>Save As...
from the menu
- fill in the File Name if needed (there will be a name showing if the
file was saved previously)
- from the "Save as type" list select the appropriate MSWord type,
e.g. "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP"
- make sure "Automatic file name extension is checked" (this setting
will be remembered)
- click the "Save" button

To export in PDF format (for whatever reason there is a different verb
and menu path):
- select File>Export as PDF... from the menu
- click the "Export" button
- enter a file name
- click the "Save" button

It may also be worth proposing to your teacher that they acquire
OpenOffice and begin using it as a way to reduce the cost to students
of producing homework assignments. OpenOffice, as you know, is free
and even at student discount I believe MS Office is on the order of
$100. In my time at college that would have been worth one or two text
books depending on the courses.

One last bit, most likely the reason the instructor can't read the
documents you're providing is because they're being saved in Writer's
native format, .odt, which follows an approved international standard
for how to store the contents of documents in electronic files. You
will get the most benefit from Writer if you continue to use this
native format and only save in word format when needed.

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