Hi Alan, Frank, and all,

I'm feeling a bit confused right now after reading the rereading this. I
wonder whether we could separate the content from the rest for a moment, if
you (plural) are willing? So I'll ask my questions:

First, Frank, are you speaking primarily of OO, or of some superset of which
OO is a part? Do you mean to say that this requirement to offer source code
to those to whom one provides installable code, and to provide source code
if that offer is accepted, is a matter of law? Of contract? (Such as the
license.) I'm very interested in "doing the right thing", and if you are
willing to elaborate a bit, I'd feel great gratitude. 

And Alan, when you say that this applies to all software, do you mean all
open source software, or all software in a particular jurisdiction or from a
particular source, or all software in existence? Similarly, do you mean to
say this in the context of a requirement at law, or in the context of
contracting/licensing?? Again, I'd feel very grateful if you would be
willing to elaborate a bit. 

Best to you both, and to everyone this Thanksgiving day (in the U.S. I
realize :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Boba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 7:07 PM
To: users@openoffice.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [users] [moderated]

On Nov 21, 2007 8:01 PM, Frank Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 00:56:57 +0000
> jonathon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Provided that the source code to the product is distributed
> > with the product.
> Actually, that's wrong.  You are required to provide an OFFER to provide
> the
> source code, not the source code itself.  You are required to provide the
> actual source code when someone who got the software from you requests it
> from
> you.
> If you're going to be as long-winded and pedantic as you seem to insist on
> being, please be accurate as well.
...and perhaps point out that your message, which may be read as implying a
threat of legal action for using OOo, applies equally to any and all
software one might install on a computer.

In other words, not just the software that's the subject of this forum.
Given the way the message is written and that it appears in this forum I'd
expect some readers may take it as applying only to OOo. Of course I think
many who read this list regularly have come to the conclusion that it is
your intent to cause FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).

Or perhaps just stop posting such messages and simply respond to the
questions being asked. On the other hand if you can show that you routinely
post such messages in all forums you participate in then this need to post
such messages could perhaps be understood as a compulsion of yours.

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