
Thank you for your response Uwe.

I'm using OpenOffice.org version 2.4 and I have tried reinstalling it.
My operating system is Windows XP sp3.
I can print from Calk spreadsheet, but I can't seem to find a way of defining 
the print range for just the chart which will then appear in Print Preview, and 
then print as just that chart on a single page.
I tried using Format>Print etc to set the range and also Format>Page where I 
unchecked everything except Chart.
Previously I have achieved what I set out to do this time.  I don't remember 
how I did it except that, although I didn't find it intuitive, it didn't take 
as long as I have been trying this time.
I also note that when I was successful, I was using the former version (one 
immediately before 2.4).  I'm trying to find a copy of the previous version of 
OpenOffice to install in place of 2.4 but so far am unsuccessful.

if you want to print only the chart, nothing else, do the following:

1. Click the chart once, so it has eight green handles.
2. Press Ctrl+C to copy the chart
3. Click an unused sheet tab or create a new sheet and switch to that sheet.
4. Press Ctrl+V to paste the chart
5. Print only the sheet with the chart on it.

For some spreadsheets there might exist print ranges. The handling of print ranges got changed lately. If the above method with the otherwise empty sheet does not work for you, a defined print range may block printing. In this case it might be best to open a new Writer or Draw doc amd paste the chart into that doc for printing.


----- Original Message ----- From: Uwe Fischer To: users@openoffice.org Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [users] Printing from Spreadsheet


  > Hi,
> > I urgently need to print a chart from and Open Office Calc spreadsheet. I've done it before but don't know how. I've spent a couple of hours trying and have not been helped by the "help function". >
  please give some more information.
  Which version of OpenOffice.org do you use?
  On which operating system?
  Can you print the other contents from that Calc spreadsheet?
  Only the chart does not appear?
If this is true, open the Calc help (press F1), and on the Index tab page of the Help, enter "charts;printing" to find some help about printing charts. Someone might have excluded charts from being printed.

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Technical Writer
     StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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