
Markus Muellges wrote:
Hallo, (sorry my english isn?d very well)

there are German user groups, too. See de.openoffice.org.

on Date: 2008/07/19 I was seaching for "Open Office" to download the programm. Befor the download begins, they asked for my adress and mail- adress. Today (2008/08/06) I got a mail from a Group called: Mega-Downloads.net and the want 96,€ for this download and for being 1 jear in this group. I don?d think that your organisation "Open Office" want, that any other people sell your produkt. I please you to sent me a mail ore a letter, an write inside that "Open Office" dont want this ! Because I better go to the goverdement an show whou this people work illegaly.

sad to read about this. Enter the name of that company into your favorite search machine and you'll find thousands of other users complaining. Next time download from www.openoffice.org. The German version from de.openoffice.org. It's free to download.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Technical Writer
  StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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