On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:31:57AM -0700, Nirmal Guhan wrote:
> # ls
> centos-4-x86.tar.gz  fedora-9-i386-minimal.tar.gz
> centos-5-x86.tar.gz  owl-current-20100323-i686.tar.gz
> # vzctl create 501 --ostemplate owl-current-20100323-i686
> Unable to get full ostemplate name for owl-current-20100323-i686
> Creating container private area (owl-current-20100323-i686)

I've just invoked the above command on an Owl-current system, and I got:

host!root:/vz/template/cache# vzctl create 501 --ostemplate 
Creating container private area (owl-current-20100323-i686)
Performing postcreate actions
Container private area was created

As you can see, I did not get the "Unable to get full ostemplate name
for owl-current-20100323-i686" message.  So the system you're doing this
on is somehow different - you did not mention what system that is.

Here is some relevant info on the Owl-current system:

host!root:~# rpm -q vzctl
host!root:~# ls -l /etc/vz/dists/owl.conf 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1064 2010-01-25 20:21 /etc/vz/dists/owl.conf

...and it was an x86_64 system (kernel, host userland), so normally I
would use an x86_64 container template as well, but as you can see an
i686 template works on it too. :-)

Can you please just try on Owl-current as the host system (CD-booted or
installed - your choice)?

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