On Wed, 2012-05-02 at 18:31 +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Hi all
> We're running OpenVZ on Debian Squeeze with the kernel shipped by
> Debian.
> Several sources recommend to use RHEL 6 stable kernel. Is it recommended
> to use it also on Debian stable? If so, how should it be installed? The
> wiki has links to rpm files only, it seems. 
> The reason I ask is that we're considering switching kernel, since the
> Debian OpenVZ kernel seems to have issues. Specifically, we suffer from
> the same problem as described here:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2011/12/msg00689.html

It turns out that RHEL 6 based OpenVZ kernel causes more severe issues
than the one from Debian (see my last mail in this thread). 

Actually, we found a simple work-around for our initial problem (see
above link): We turn off locking with the mount.nfs option 'nolock'.

We have a HA cluster with corosync/pacemaker running, which manages the
CTs which are running on an NFS export shared across all nodes. As the
HA layer makes sure to not run duplicate instances of CTs, there seems
to be no reason to have NFS locking enabled. 

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