OpenVZ 6 is last fully functional version, running on top of CentOS.

OpenVZ 7, 8, 9 ...

May be better to use just virtual machines using QEMU-KVM and libvirt ?

This solution is very stable, very feature rich and very useful.

If you need to use very cheap virtual machines - try to use

Or you can combine Firecracker MicroVMs with Docker / OCI images to unify containers and VMs:

Stop to use OpenVZ, because OpenVZ 6 is End Of Life and now it is dead project.

OpenVZ 6 is just last true and fully functional OpenVZ version.

Something named OpenVZ 7, OpenVZ 8, OpenVZ 9 ... is just agony of OpenVZ project.

On 09.12.2022 2:16, jjs - mainphrame wrote:
I've been running openvz 7 for some years, and I periodically check on the
status of openvz 8 and 9.

While openvz 7 has been getting updates, it seems openvz 8 is fairly
static, and openvz 9 seems not ready for use.

Is there an intent to continue support of openvz beyond version 7?

Since openvz is a great advertisement for virtuozzo, it would be a shame if
it faded away.

Best regards,

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