On 02/29/2012 08:06 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 07:42:15PM +0530, Deepak C Shetty wrote:
On 02/27/2012 04:55 AM, Ayal Baron wrote:
Any help on documenting this so people would not have to dig into the code 
would be greatly appreciated.

Great, let me start and get back if i land up into issues.
thanks for the pointer.
Let us know if you need further assistance..
This is how I plan to attack it... using vdscli, let me know if my
steps are correct ?

1) Use createStorageDomain to create a SHAREDFS_DOMAIN of domTypes
data&  iso
2) Use  createStoragePool and associate the above sd's with this pool.
3) How to copy .iso into the newly create iso dom ?
engine-iso-uploader won't know abt it, rite ?
I would've used `cp` (chown to make sure vdsm can read it when needed).

engine-iso-uploader create the needed dir structure (metadata, images, dom_md etc) and put the .iso in the right dir. Using `cp` I will have to do that myself, rite ?
4) create a volume to represent my vm disk
5) Use create to create a VM and run it

Is this the recommended way ( to use individual vdscli cmds) or the
way its done in
http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Vdsm_Standalone ?

For human-triggered setup, running vdsClient from bash may be easier.
But the suggested python script is expected to take you slightly further
on the road to reproducible testable application on top of Vdsm.

If you have that python script working for LOCALFS, I'd suggest you try
making it work for SHAREDFS too.

Thanks, will try using the python script itself. When i use the script
and create LOCALFS (and SHAREDFS in future) will these domains
and hence VMs created on top of these domains be visible and manageable
from OE side ?

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