Dave Neary wrote:

On 09/29/2012 01:37 PM, Hans Lellelid wrote:
I apologize in advance that this email is less about a specific
problem and more a general inquiry as to the most recommended /
likely-to-be-successful way path.
Having been there I know the difficulty of setting up oVirt but with the release of 3.1 things have improved immensely. One problem remains and you have found it already and that is the NFS problem with kernel 3.5.x
I have installed several Fed17 nodes and have had no problems sofar.
I install from the LiveCD Fed17 KDE 64bits and then add the ovirt repo and install vdsm and its dependancies. After that I add the node through engine and after the installation is ready and the node has rebooted it functions as one would expect.
If you want I can paste my bash history.
One thing to look out for is to switch off NetworkManager before hand and configure and activate 'network'


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