On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Joop <jvdw...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Dave Neary wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 09/29/2012 01:37 PM, Hans Lellelid wrote:
>>> I apologize in advance that this email is less about a specific
>>> problem and more a general inquiry as to the most recommended /
>>> likely-to-be-successful way path.
>> Having been there I know the difficulty of setting up oVirt but with the
> release of 3.1 things have improved immensely. One problem remains and you
> have found it already and that is the NFS problem with kernel 3.5.x
> I have installed several Fed17 nodes and have had no problems sofar.
> I install from the LiveCD Fed17 KDE 64bits and then add the ovirt repo and
> install vdsm and its dependancies. After that I add the node through engine
> and after the installation is ready and the node has rebooted it functions
> as one would expect.
> If you want I can paste my bash history.
> One thing to look out for is to switch off NetworkManager before hand and
> configure and activate 'network'
Yeah, I did  have success with network configuration when I did it
manually.  However, I did not switch off NetworkManager when I was doing
the installation from the engine ... so maybe that is something to try
next.  Thanks for the tips!  I'll report back.

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