As Itamar once explained to me (I had the same problem):

"you can change the vnc keyboard layout via the config tool
(VncKeyboardLayout option) globally.
still missing as a per vm option (though you can easily do this via a
hook if you need it per vm)"


2013/1/3 Frank Wall <>:
> Hi,
> when using oVirt 3.1 the locale for all VNC consoles defaults to en_US.
> This is OK if the user is using the same locale. But with any other
> locale on the client side (fr_FR, de_DE), the keyboard is really
> scrambled. As a result the VNC console is somewhat useless for an
> affected user.
> So my questions are...
> 1. How do I change the locale for VNC, either globally or for each VM?
> 2. Will there be an REST API call to configure the locale of the console?
> Thanks
> - Frank
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